In mitology and old philosophia, character consists of four simple elements: Air, Earth, Fire, Water. Allthough, B.C. philosophia is fallacious today, one of our life sources is "Earth" that humans chuck it's products everyday, is more than of the essence not single for World but also for Turkey nowadays. The new economic, geographical and societal provisos translate the distrubition of population completed Turkey, therefore a new problem becomes to exterior which is titled colonization from villiage to municipality areas can be copied to these cardinal nature of problems: Economical, Social and Local.
The first-year inception of motion can be explained lower than Economic hitches name. It is proverbial that, a villiager can clear capital by small-scale distance but mostly by business. Villiager has umpteen worries active agriculture nowadays. One of this hitches is volume of agribusiness areas they have. According to informations interpreted from Turkey Government Statistic Institute, about quarter of agriculture areas in Turkey is, littler than 0.1 hectar, 19% of areas measures concerning 0.1 and 0.2 hectar, 32% of areas measures 0.2 and 0.5 hectar and about one-fourth of this areas' volume is betwixt 0.5 and 0.9 hectar (Zaman , 2003). Dr. Karaata says, "According to researches, a villiager household of necessity 10 hectars borough in Turkey's system conditions, so 85% of our business enterprise areas is not sufficient to profess a villiager family unit." (Zaman, 2003) Moreover, mechanication in factory farm is a straightforward mess for villiagers and an vital defence for motion. Technology and commercial enterprise machines mature simultaneously, by this means unemployement in villiages increased. As a result, because of uneven industrilization, urban areas has change state more worthy of note for villiagers. This is decent to be a plea for movement to profession as a machinist at business zones.